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strong customer loyalty

Why HydraNet CRM-gx™?
How CRM-gx™ account management, reporting, and lead management systems drive value.

Read Before You Buy
Few CRM buyers are aware of these surprising facts. What you learn may make the difference between the success and failure of your CRM implementation.

CRM Success Secrets
Tools like MTS® makes recording interactions with customers a snap.

Cut Data Entry by 80%
HydraNet's MQA® eliminates the headaches of traditional CRM.

Account Management
Meet JCAMS® - one of the world's most advanced account management tools. Read more here.

Lead Management
5 STARS® combines more functionality and power than most multimillion dollar CRM solutions.

Real 360° Views
Instantly analyze customers, employees, sales teams, and offices in ways you never thought possible.

Reporting & Analytics
Unique and powerful CRM reporting tools without all the hassle.

CRM-gx™ MoveTech® Released
$1.2 million move management solution for $59

HydraNet takes on Salesforce.com, Upshot, Salesnet
$50,000 incentives to upgrade to CRM-gx.

Outlook Integration
HydraNet announces
Outlook integration
for CRM-gx

NEW! CRM-gx™ Ver. 4.0
HydraNet Releases Version 4.0 of its Popular CRM-gx™ Solution

CRM-gx™ White Paper
A Revolution at Allied Global Movers, requires PDF Reader

CRM-gx Benefits
Watch a Video

CRM-gx™ Video Demo (Japanese)
3MB Flash Video.

CRM-gx™ Brochure
Detailed overview of CRM-gx™, requires PDF Reader.

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The CRM Software Small Business Solution That Changes Everything

Companies can't afford to waste time and money on their CRM Software Small Business solution. They want something powerful that can be implemented in a matter of hours. Our CRM Software Small Business solution, CRM-gx, allows businesses to focus on what's most important: the customers and the core business. Real world benchmarks have proven CRM-gx to be 600% faster and easier to use, enabling your team to spend their time servicing the client, not the CRM Software Small Business solution.

CRM Software Small Business - Reporting & Analytics

CRM Software Small Business

HydraNet CRM-gx delivers reports up to 80% faster
A primary goal of CRM Software Small Business is to provide valuable customer insight via reports and analytic charts.Click here to read more about reporting in HydraNet's CRM Software Small Business solution.

CRM Software Small Business - Account Management

CRM Software Small Business

One of the most advanced CRM Software Small Business account management tools in the world: JCAMS®
Over 2 years in development, JCAMS® is a key reason why HydraNet CRM-gx helps you get your CRM tasks done 3-6X faster than competing solutions. Read more about how JCAMS® revolutionized CRM Software Small Business solutions.

CRM Software Small Business - Lead Management

CRM Software Small Business

Unmatched Flexibility and Power: 5 STARS®
HydraNet's 5 STARS® allows organizations to define business and workflow processes without programming or product re-engineering. Click here to read more about Lead Management in HydraNet's CRM Software Small Business solution.

CRM Software Small Business - 360° Views of the Customer

CRM Software Small Business

Fifty-three instant metrics for CRM Software Small Business

HydraNet's unique 360DV® provides an instant snapshot of every customer relationship. Click here to read more getting a 360° view of your customer in HydraNet's CRM Software Small Business solution.