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CRM Secrets


What You Need to Know
If your company is comparing CRM solutions, one key consideration is this:

Independent research from Gartner Group and Meta Group show that 60-70% of all CRM implementations fail.

If the other CRM vendors you're considering don't mention this fact, it's likely this statistic applies to them.

Why CRM Fails
Most CRM vendors design and sell their products to appeal to senior corporate management, since it's management who is the decision-makers for a enterprise CRM or SFA solution. Unfortunately, management often overlooks the needs of the most important group; The end users of the system.

Millions of Dollars Wasted

The result is that many companies spend years and millions of dollars trying to implement "solutions" from large vendors like Siebel and SAP, only to find that nobody is using them 2 months after the training ends.

Lies, Falsehoods, and Half-Truths

HydraNet has been in the business for three years now and has yet to meet a user who can stand using CRM "solutions" from big vendors like Siebel, Saleslogix, Salesforce.com, and SAP. Siebel, the current CRM "industry leader" is the worst in this regard. Rumor has it that even Siebel salespeople refuse to use Siebel software. So don't be fooled by what these vendors say in their fancy marketing material about "ease-of-use" and "fast ROI." You'll be lucky to escape with your shirt.

The Truth
So what is the truth? The truth is about CRM offerings from these big vendors is that they are generally not well-received and in many cases not successful. Many business people simply refuse to use these systems. They simply refuse to spend an extra 2 hours at the office every day entering data into some clunky CRM system. They refuse to spend a half-hour flipping though a 600 page manual trying to figure out how to change a client's telephone number. They refuse to spend 10 minutes to record a telephone call that only took them 30 seconds to make.

How HydraNet is Different

Siebel, Saleslogix, Salesforce.com, and SAP think you have nothing better to do than fiddle around with their software most of the day. HydraNet thinks you are incredibly busy and you can tolerate about 5 minutes a day worth of CRM, at which point you expect some serious results. Which better decribes you? If you answered the latter, then you owe it to yourself to check our CRM-gx, the 5 minute a day CRM solution. You will be amazed at we can produce with your precious 5 minutes.

CRM-gx is Hot!
Learn why more CEOs are turning to CRM-gx

Why HydraNet?
How CRM-gx™ account management, reporting, and lead management systems drive value.

Read Before You Buy
Few CRM buyers are aware of these surprising facts. What you learn may make the difference between the success and failure of your CRM implementation.

CRM Success Secrets
Tools like MTS® makes recording interactions with customers a snap.

Cut Data Entry by 80%
HydraNet's MQA® eliminates the headaches of traditional CRM.

Account Management
Meet JCAMS® - one of the world's most advanced account management tools. Read more here.

Lead Management
5 STARS® combines more functionality and power than most multimillion dollar CRM solutions.

Real 360° Views
Instantly analyze customers, employees, sales teams, and offices in ways you never thought possible.

Reporting & Analytics
Unique and powerful CRM reporting tools without all the hassle.

CRM-gx™ White Paper
A Revolution at Allied Global Movers, requires PDF Reader

CRM-gx Benefits
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CRM-gx™ Video Demo (Japanese)
3MB Flash Video.

CRM-gx™ Brochure
Detailed overview of CRM-gx™, requires PDF Reader.

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